The Poem of My Return

Submitted by : Sohail Syed on Allah's Creations

The Poem of My Return

I wasn’t the one crucified
I was the one who justified

Every true word which was given to me
His miracles for you to see

Yes I am the Sun to light your path
But not the begotten son of our Holy God

Only a messenger I am suppose to be
Please don’t bend your knees in prayer for me

I wasn’t the one dead on cross
But the one who led you’ll across

Come to light before the day of your death arrives
How could they kill me being raised up alive

You believe and follow me you say
Then why to the last Prophet you betray
To a path of sin you are making your way
So turn to truth before the Judgment day

I wasn’t the one creator
But an innocent narrator

Of the commandments I was given
To make things new and even

Take his beautiful name and then claim
Of your God and my Lord being one and the same

So that you gain all the glory and fame
Fame as bright as sun
I ‘m unlike Lord his kind is only one
Who is neither a father nor a son
Proclaim this belief or else your faith is undone

Written by: Sohail Syed
Poem Category: Eternal Truth
(Drunk with Wisdom Wine)

Author’s Comments

- This poem is the poem which Jesus Christ (pbuh) will read when he comes back in this World

- His return to fulfill the quotation of The True Koran

- Every soul shall have a taste of death

- I wrote this poem after I saw Jesus Christ (pbuh) in my dream

- I saw billions of people gathered on a barren earth, I see myself standing underneath a tree with Jesus (pbuh)and then Jesus (pbuh) says that I say to thee, every one gathered here, listen to Sohail for he says nothing but the Truth from the House of GOD

- This dream made me write The Poem of his return

- Its my strong belief that the day Jesus Christ (pbuh) returns, this poem will InshaAllah surely be read by him

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