The Truth Of A Man

Submitted by : qalamuddin on Think

The Truth Of A Man

When calamity falls
Only to Allah first and all
This is the nature
When man faces danger

But once he is cleared
A different tale is steered*
How fast man forget?
Just a while ago he was saved from regret

All man is the same
When facing this life’s game
He seeks the help of saints
To supplicate, beg and ask for his gain

A special prayer was organized
To help him materialized
A lost one he seeks
A vigil prayer he keeps

Once the prayer was answered
A different path he preferred
He forgets Allah who has granted
And how he has suffered?

This is the truth of a man
Who often belittles the helping hands?
So too, the help others give – in effort, money and kind
Soon it was forgotten leaving no tell tale signs

What can we learn from this?
Al-Quran mentions the many mischief
Of man forgetting what he has achieved
Going against Allah without a grief **

Oh Allah please make me think?
Why I change within a blink?
I seek you only when I am down
Once relief, red I painted the town

Is this the way to go?
The little piety we show
Seeking Allah as our Savior
Only when we need a favor

This is a sad truth of a man
When in need Allah we demand
Regardless of place, time and situation
Are we as Muslim – basking in degradation?

Penned by Qalamuddin 26th January 2011

* Al-Quran 31:32 “When a wave covers them like the canopy (of clouds), they call to Allah, offering Him sincere devotion. But when He has delivered them safely to land, there are among them those that halt between (right and wrong). But none reject Our Signs except only a perfidious ungrateful (wretch)!”

** Al-Quran 18:34-36 “(Abundant) was the produce this man had: he said to his companion, in the course of a mutual argument: "More wealth have I than you, and more honor and power in (my following of) men. He went into his garden in a state (of mind) unjust to his soul: He said, "I deem not that this will ever perish.” "Nor do I deem that the Hour (of Judgment) will (ever) come: even if I am brought back to my Lord, I shall surely find (there) something better in exchange

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