Untrap Yourself: A reply to Muslimah1225's Trapped in the path lonely

Submitted by : qalamuddin on Strugle

Untrap Yourself!!
A reply to Muslimah1225's Trapped in the path lonely

The poem is simple and direct
The wrong it tried to correct
Highlighting the struggle
The things man has to grapple

To maintain our discipline
Avoiding all sins
Is not as easy as it seems
But it is not all dim

A timely reminder
For us to put our house in order
Don’t just surrender
Even if we blundered

Allah swt is most forgiving
As long we do not associate thing *
To the One and Only Supreme Being
Hence, repentance is the calling

A new day has dawn
Looking back please do not frown
If you missed an ibadah or two
Istighfar is a virtue **

Untrap yourself – don’t be in a limbo
What more of becoming a bimbo!
Confidently to heaven is the prayer ***
Not a matter of trial and error

Muslimah1225 shows her concern
How sharp she discerned!
In matter of great significant
But what is our next action?

The struggle is uphill
Don’t fall head over heel
Please hear her appeal
As a Muslim should feel

Lucky for us for Muslimah1225
A reminder for us to struggle and fight
An endeavor that requires all our might ****
As Jannah is the sight

Alhamdulillah for this (IslamicPoem) Site
A showcase of our Islamic Pride
To all readers, writers and administrator
May Allah swt bless us all in this New Year – yet another Life Chapter!

Penned by Qalamuddin 10/12/2010

* The Prophet (SAWS) himself has said: "The best that has been said by myself, and the previous Prophets before me: is 'La ilaha illa-llah' there is no deity besides Allah".
In a Holy Hadith, Allah (SWT) told the Prophet (SAWS) "La ilaha illa-llah is my fortress (protection), whoever enters my fortress is saved from my punishment".

** ISTIGHFAR: Seeking forgiveness of Allah. In the Qur`an 110:3, Allah commands: "And seek for His forgiveness for He is always forgiving"
Concerning the above command, the Mother of the Faithful Ayesha (RA) said, the Prophet (SAWS) never offered prayer after this verse was revealed except, he says: "My Lord, I glorify and praise you, Oh Allah forgive me."

Allah also said in the Qur`an 3:135 "And those who, when they commit shameful acts and wrong their souls, and then remember Allah quickly seek forgiveness from their sins - And who can forgive sins except Allah? And after this they don't obstinately persist in the act knowingly."

The Prophet (SAWS) has declared: "I seek forgiveness from Allah seventy times a day" and in another narration one hundred times. The Prophet (SAWS) has also said: "Your sickness is your sin and its remedy is to always seek for forgiveness."

*** The Prophet of Allah (SAW) said of Firdaus (Heaven): “When you pray ask for Firdaus, for it is in the middle of heaven and is higher in grade than the heaven and above Firdaus is Allah’s throne, moreover the canals of heaven flow from Firdaus.” (Bukhari)

**** Gibraeel’s (AS) Impression of Heaven: The Prophet of Allah (SAW) said: “When Allah Almighty created the heaven and the hell, He asked Jibraeel to go and take a look at what He has prepared for believers in the Heaven. Jibraeel went and had a look at what was there in the Heaven, and then he came back and expressed himself thus: By your dignity! Whoever will hear of this Heaven will certainly strive for it. Then it was said that the road to the heaven is littered with hardships, and Jibraeel was asked to take another look at the Heaven. He came back and said, "By your dignity I am afraid that nobody will be able to enter it”. (Tirmizee)
Note: This means that the heaven is such a magnificent place that whoever knew of it would certainly strive for it, but when Allah Almighty ordained that the Heaven lies in facing trials and tribulations, Gibraeel (AS) thought that nobody might be able to enter it.

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