Walk With Me

Submitted by : matin on Poem Stories

Walk with me

walk just walk with me,we'll stroll through life,as a story written,born be the beginning,may destination be the after life,days in life passes by,time ticking our breath,..
pages gone by,pages written,time's the one turning,fate keep it written,were the one reading...

seeing is believing,are word for a child,learn to see the world,grown older trying to understand,even the blind,believe world exist,..

life's a journey,to meet our destiny,for one may not know,and may not change,believe just believe,that all is created,created by one,one who called God

a story
is not meant to be criticized,nor for one to change,read just read
for reading come's with feel and experience,scroll to the end,where we will,we will be,reaching the destiny...

believe in God
believe in ALLAH
the only creator
may then your life,be fill with tears,tears of joy,for the living is full of meaning

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