With out a time machine

Submitted by : 24k_road on Strugle

Were do I begin
He started writing with no paper or pin
It all started 2010   52Weeks  7 hours ago 
That's how time is ticking in that window
A travler a stranger I never seen 
But a brother indeed behind the spider screen
Traveling threw time with out a time mechine 
An in unknown land he started talking to the wounded bird
Word for word travled around the world
Everyweek a new message was here'd 
He traveled speaking potery seeking a reword 
Not from the people but from his almighty lord 
So here he was week by week in a diffrent zone
Every week he speak in a diffrent poetic tone 
An There I was all alone stressing on my own 
In the spiders home tryin to escape pain like never ending crazy bone
In a land known to be a danger zone
So sticks an stones 
might brake my bone
 but advice you thrown on islamicpoam 
might heal my pain like you never known 
So it's nice to know I'm not alone as I tag along 
An sing a song with my brothers an sisters who pull along
Fallin brothers an sisters yearlong
Reminding them to be strong 
This world is not real in haven we belong
Get up an come along this life you can't prolong 
An when things are going wrong an out of balance
Have patience an pray for guidence 
Like wayferer said Brake the silence 
Write A simple sentence 
Maybe your words can bring alliance
Or stop the violence
So get your licence islamicpoams join along
 With wayferer an all the brothers an sisters tag along 
To Africa America Arabia even hong kong 
Around the world send a message make it long
To all the Muslims let's get along  
In one strong body we pull along 
2 paradise were we belong 

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