Yemen I ponder
Submitted by : Najwa Kareem on Think
We fed ourselves on New Year's well
Gifts were exchanged over the song The First Noel
The evening before Christmas drinks were had
Many fooling themselves that they are glad
Throughout the cheer, men, women, and children in Yemen forgotten
Leftover turkeys and roasts would be hurriedly eaten even if found rotten
Starvation has Yemeni bodies eating themselves
Have you seen photos of their emaciated figures on newspapers' shelves
Pregnant women and newborn babies with dead husbands and dead fathers
How do they care for themselves when in the grand scheme of things no one bothers
Saudi military should go shit on themselves
Murderous cowards that they are playing with Santa's elves
Women in Yemen being raped and domestic violence bring me to tears
Would they get away with their satanic work if the U.S. wasn't kissing their filthy rears
Seriously dangerous diseases running rampant
Yemenis beautiful skin no longer so lambent
So few of us care enough to choke up for our Ahmeds and for our Imans
I ask infuriatingly will it take a whole country's destruction to rise for Yemen's Marwans