poem called O mujihadeens of Islam

Submitted by : mujihada on Palestine

This poem is called:O mijihadeens of Islam
Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem
Walhamdulillah Rabbil'Ala Ameen
Was-Salaatu was-Salaamu' Alaa-
Raasoolilaah Sallaahu'Alayhi
Wa Ba'd
Yet were so silent,but our brothers
in Iraq,Falsetine,Boseinya,Cheyyna,Afganistan,Somali crying jihad
fighting and dieing for Islam
day by day the fighting between the Believers and Disbelievers go on
night by night Mujihadeens seem to be getting smarter in the battle feild
of course with the help of the Al-Mighty
Say:If your farthers,your sons,your brothers,
yours wives,your kindred,the wealth that you you gained,
commernce in which you fear decline
and the dwelling in which you delight,are dearer to you
than Allah and His messenger,
and striving hard and fighting His cause
then wait until Allah brings about his decision
(torments)And Allah guides not the the poeple
who are the Al-Fasiqun....
Kuffurs seem to getting confused in the battle field
so they start to loose their mind
and start shooting kind muslims kids one by one
Now who seems to be the Cowards now?
When I watch the news all I see and hear
is the kuffars talking about
Shaykh Osma bin Laden
one of the smartiest Mujihadeens of our time
Al-Qadea is Osma bin Laden's crew
Young Mujihadeens that willing to die for feesibillah
Jihad is the holy war between kafirs and the muslimeems fighting for Islam
the gate is open for the religion of the truth
revert to Islam before it's too late
now dayz people I want to rate relgion
islam is the fastest growing relgion in the world what is that?
cuz Islam is relgion that has never been changed
like the kafirs with their new and old testmoinal
the Holy qur'an has never been since from the time of Adam(alayhisalaam)
Kuffars always calls muslimeems jihadist,Talaban,Terrist
But the biggest Terrist resign in
the Land of kuffars the one and only President George w.bush
Americans are like pets of Jew
the jews are the owner
when an owner gives his pet a command
the pet obeys right away
likewise with Ameicans
Islam is not about violence
Islam is about peace and love
Islam is the real deal
Islam is best relgion out there
Islam is going to be the #1 one(InshaAllah ta'ala)
I LOVE ISLAM,say it loud say proud,I love ISLAAAAM

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