
Submitted by : kalima on Islam

what if we all smiled to a total stranger
instead of walking past them if they were danger,
even smiled at those who hates us
perhaps thieir hearts would soften and they would embrace us,
smile when it rained
showing gratitude to almighty what he has created,
smile at our brothers and sisters
so that it creates love and removes suspicious,
smile even at our neighbours
something our prophet emphasise with eagerness,
smile on trivial matters
escaping from jealousy and hatred,
smile at those who are in distress
pray to allah to give them happiness and success,
smile to please the most kind, the most merciful
allah will love us indeed allah will love us.

The Prophet Muhammad -peace be upon him said:

"Charity is prescribed for each descendant of Adam every day the sun rises."He was then asked: From what do we give charity every day?" The Prophet answered: "The doors of goodness are many...enjoining good, forbidding evil, removing harm from the road, listening to the deaf, leading the blind, guiding one to the object of his need, hurrying with the strength of one's legs to one in sorrow who is asking for help, and supporting the feeble with the strength of one's arms-all of these are charity prescribed for you." He also said " Your smile for your brother is charity." Narrated `Aisha (prophet Muhammad's wife) -may allah be pleased with her- : "I never saw the Prophet laughing to an extent that one could see his palate, but he always used to smile".

And indeed, the Prophet (peace be upon him) followed this advice in his everyday life, so much so that `Abd Allah b. al-Hârith said: "I have never seen anyone more in the habit of smiling than Allah's Messenger." [Sunan al-Tirmidhî (3574)]

Even on the day he died, while lying in his sickbed, he did not neglect to smile. While Abû Bakr was getting the people lined up for prayer, the Prophet managed to stand up and move aside the curtain of his room. His face was like a page from a Qur'an manuscript. Yet he smiled at them, a bright laughing smile. [Sahîh al-Bukhârî (639) and Sahîh Muslim (636)]

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