wonder why

Submitted by : matin on Think

we may wonder why we human were created without any different than other creature such as animal,
we are all the same; a living creation created by God.

we first seek survival then expand then dominate others, just a mere creature following its instinct yet we humans were able to grow and progress to the better or otherwise.

the aspect that differentiate us from other living creature is that we humans were blessed by God with the gift of Brain that is able to think and a mind to differ between the good and the bad.

God created the cheetah with and ability to run with pure and superb speed yet why did God not created us human with those ability?
God created tiger's with sharp fang and claw to be a tool of hunting yet why did God not created us human with those tools?
God created wings for eagle to fly high in the sky yet why did God not created us human with wings for us to fly?
God created many other creature with special attributes and abilities that would make us human look inferior to them and it is not given to us human why?

The blessed gift that was given to us is much more superior than all those attributes and abilities that was given to other creature because we human can use our brain to invent a vehicle that can move faster than cheetah invent a tool that is sharper than fang and claw and we human can invent aeroplane to fly us high in the sky,God blessed us with the ability to think, learn, understand and progress to the better...

yet once we had what we want, once we achieved what we seek, we return to the state where we are no different than other creature.why?why were we able to think, learn and understand how beautiful the gift that God has blessed upon us for us to be superior to other creature yet we forget to use it to think, learn and understand the true purpose of the gift?why did we never think the greatness of God to be able to gave us a gift this great?why cant we learn that there is something for us to learn within all the example that God has given to us?why cant we understand the true purpose we were created with such superior gift?

why did we ditch and try to deny the facts and truth that we learn that we understand for we forsaken the guide that God has gave us human and we turn to the animalistic instinct to find satisfaction, to find pleasure, to find superiority within humans.

are we the failure among the superior species that was blinded from the truth and facts?
or are we just being too egoist to admit mistakes and faults?
or are we trying to be greater than God who created us?

why do we not able to see the truth?or are we just pretending not to see it???

i wonder why...

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