It's My Choice!!!

Submitted by : Hadiyah Jacqueline on Hijab

In these dark and lonely times
Where religious disputes reign supreme
Listen to everybody’s voice
But once they’ve chosen leave them be

For in a world of hatred in Islam
I only have one thing to say
For you is your religion,
And for me is my own

All around the western world
People are striving to stop
The spread of a single religion,
Islam, why’s that?

All over the news you see terrorist strikes
And the first thing you think is – It’s the Muslims?
Sure, we have our questionable people
But then, what culture doesn’t?

Please listen to me, we aren’t all like that
You’re placing us all in one category
Yes, we have our less appealing characters
But so do the Jews and Christians!

We are all from the same race
We all live on this planet
Why can’t we just get along?
Why do we fight and argue?

Muslims aren’t mean, or cruel, or offensive
As a whole we’re really not so bad
But one or two may act out of line
And you base us all on that?

I don’t force you to pray, or to wear the Hijab
I don’t label you by offensive titles
But when I walk down the street I get called weird names
Or I get pointed out and laughed at

I am just a human girl
Following what I feel is right
I try to understand what’s right and what’s wrong
I ask you, what’s the harm in that?

So I ask you from the heart,
Why the names and the stares?
Why do you judge me by my religion?
Do you really care?

I wear the Hijab to purify my Deen
I pray five times a day to keep my heart clean
I may act differently to everyone else
But the truth is, I’m just an ordinary girl

Why do you try to ban my rights?
Why do you try to cage me in your rules?
Why are you targeting Islam only?
When the world in full of other religions too?

My intention is simple,
I’m trying to understand
Why people hate Islam so
Why against it they all stand

You have no right in the affairs of my heart
And in my heart I believe
Islam is my decision of what’s right
No matter what other people think

To you is your religion
And to me is my own
So no matter how you scream and curse
Islam is my religion, and the truth is,
It’s MY choice!

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